Tight compared to whom, what and where? I thought so until I visited casinos in Ohio!!! Compared to Ohio casinos Windstar slots are loooooose!!! KUDOS WinStar Management team! Stay away from class II slots. The keywords here are UNCERTAIN OUTCOME.!!!!! WinStar World Casino and Resort is a Casino where you can have fun by yourself or with friends or family! Are the slots tight? Hhmm. One of the definitions of gambling is: Gambling is the wagering of money or something of value on an event with an UNCERTAIN outcome with the primary intent of winning money. Don't be tempted to get more money from your checking or savings account just because you used up your budgeted bankroll.
Stick to your budget and have fun! Gambling is not for everyone. Casinos have a variety of restaurants and other entertaining amenities. You knew it going in that the odds of winning are stacked against you!!! Winning is the exception to the rule! Have fun. If you win, great! If you lose, don't cry. If, however, that $100.00 bill is earmarked to pay for groceries or rent or utilities or other obligations, don't even think about going to a casino! Go to a casino for entertainment and fun and stick to your budgeted bankroll! Budget an amount you can afford to lose. Here's the bottom line: If you can afford to take a $100.00 bill out of your wallet or purse, strike a match and burn it without bothering you at all, then go to a casino.